Emolights LLC

emolights - 150 LEDs

Sale price Price $89.00 Regular price Unit price  per 

Emolights are like no other lights. Designed by an award winning animation engineer, these lights are best looking lights and the most advanced lights. 

These smart lights can automatically change throughout the day and celebrate a growing list of events.  Celebrate Halloween, Christmas, Hanukah, New Years, 4th of July, Easter, Memorial day, and many more.

With every season your lights will dynamically download a new playlist of light shows and always feel like new lights.

When not celebrating a season, your lights will look just as cool. They will download a playlist based on your selection of soothing warm light colors, or simple modern colors, or mix it up. 

Your emolights also come with an amazing music light show. Use you smartphone to listen to music and that is translated to a great looking light show.